• +233 30 222 5554

  • SU Tower, 18 Castle Rd., Accra


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Scripture Union Ghana

Scripture Union (SU) Ghana is an international Christian organisation, which is part of the global SU movement that is working in more than 130 countries in the world. SU is nondenominational but rather interdenominational. SU Ministries began in Ghana in the 1890’s. However, ministry growth was constrained by the 1st and 2nd World Wars. The development of SU in Ghana in the structured form we have it today dates from the early 1950’s. SU Ghana, like other SU movements, across the world, undertakes its activities through a variety of specialist ministries around the world in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.

  • 1023
    SU School Groups

    We operate in JHS, SHS
    & Colleges of Education

  • 126
    Community Groups

    We operate in Communities.

Core Ministries

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Changing Lives through God's Word

Impact Stories

"I was initiated into an occultic group and came to the camp with a ring from the group with the sole purpose of having ladies by charming them. However, after the fasting and prayer session, I surrendered the ring to the officer who led the prayer session and I confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank You Lord Jesus."

SU Camps 2021
Student Camper

"I thank God for bringing SU to my school. I have been sleeping with five men, One of them is my brother with whom I have been sleeping with since age 12. Since then, I have been sleeping with different people including married men. Today, I have decided to give them all up because I am now born again. I will keep myself until I marry because Jesus Christ lives in me now."

NLC 2021
Student Participant

"I was introduced to the 7 books of Moses by a friend when I was in JHS 2. I have been using it to cast spells on ladies to love me and also to make money and do other evil things. Through this program, I realized I was in darkness and I have decided to stop using the book and now accept Jesus as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank you Scripture Union."

SU Camps 2021
Student Camper

News & Happenings




There are many eloquent and persuasive voices in society, the Church, and social media seeking to capture our attention. This year 2024 is an election year in Ghana and politicians will be calling on the Ghanaian electorate to elect them as their leaders.



Scripture Union Ghana unveils $7.4M campsite project at Pepawani

The Scripture Union Ghana has unveiled a $7.4 million campsite project at Pepawani near Aburi in the Akwapim South Municipality of the Eastern Region.



SHS Leavers’ Service 2023

The SHS Leavers’ Service is a special service organized for all SHS Graduates and is proudly presented by Scripture Union Ghana in partnership with Royal House Chapel.

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Cover for Scripture Union Ghana
Scripture Union Ghana

Scripture Union Ghana

Scripture Union aims to make God's Good News known to children, young people and families.

14 Schools in the Accra and Kasoa Area of the Scripture Union Greater Accra Region will be contesting in the National Schools Bible Quiz Competition at the Zonal Level. This contest will be held on Saturday 27th July 2024 at the SU Tower, Ridge Accra. 4 schools that will top their zone will proceed to the Regional level of the competition.We wish all contesting schools the best of the competition. 🙏 See MoreSee Less
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Liberated to liberate othersThis passage reflects an important truth that Christians should not forget; that is, God takes care of our tomorrow. In order to help His people preserve the health of the soil for future produce, God instructed them to allow the pasture land to be left fallow for one year after every six years of cultivation. By the same way, He wants those who have been under enormous pressures for a considerable period of time to have relief from their burdens every fiftieth year.So what? God remains the Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Will you obey Him and entrust your life wholly into His hands?#SUGhana #dailyguide #devotional See MoreSee Less
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Discipling a nation,
one person at a time.

Rev. Derek E. Koomson

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